Gender, Work & Organization Conference, Sydney, Australia, June 14-16, 2018
Stream convener with H. Liu and F. Alamgir, sub-theme: Intersections of gender and race in relation to work and organizations Stream convener with K. Grosser, L. McCarthy, C. Karam and D. Kemp, sub-theme: Corporate responsibility, gender and feminist organizing in a neo-liberal age LAEMOS Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 22-24, 2018 Stream convener with P. Donnelly, M. Imas, J. Manning and G. Seijo, Sub-theme 18: The Entrepreneurial Other: Exploring Marginality and Resilience in Neo-colonial, Post-truth Times DIANA Conference, co-sponsored with the Kauffman Foundation, Kansas City, MO, October 21-23, 2017 Paper presentation with K. Knowlton and S. Clark Muntean, Paper title: Institutional pressures and social action: A comparison of entrepreneur support organizations in St. Louis and Boston. Academy of Management Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, August 4-8, 2017 Discussant for presenter symposium, Working Women at the Margins: Analyzing the Gendered Subaltern Subject, Sponsored by the Critical Management Studies and Gender and Diversity in Organization Divisions Discussant for presenter symposium, Theory and Research on Diversity and Inclusion at the Organizational Level of Analysis, Sponsored by the Gender and Diversity and Human Resources Divisions PDW Workshop organizer with CMS Division Executive Committee, Borders and nations of scholarship: At the interface of political and intellectual questions, All Academy Theme, co-sponsored by Critical Management Studies Division PDW Workshop organizer with P. Donnelly, A. Osorio, S. Ruane, S. Feeney, and R. Burgos-Mirabal, Getting out (of the hotels) and getting things done: At the interface with local community organizing in Atlanta, Sponsored by the Critical Management Studies Division Chair for paper session, At the interface of the Global South and West, Sponsored by the Critical Management Studies Division European Group for Organization Studies, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 6-8, 2017 Paper presentation for sub-theme 13: Paradigm diversity and the good organization, with K. Knowlton and S. Clark Muntean Paper presentation for sub-theme 30: Inequality, institutions and organizations, with L. Pecis and C. Priola Critical Management Studies, Bi-Annual Conference, Liverpool, UK, July 3-5, 2107 Stream convener with L. Pecis and C. Priola on Inclusive Innovation Stream convener with A. Pullen, F. Alamgir, S. Vacchani, M. Fisher, and D. Jones on the Future of Feminisms and CMS Stream convener with M. Imas, C. Essers, D. Tedmanson, P.Parkkari, and E. Houtbeckers on Critical Entrepreneurship Studies USASBE (United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship) Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, January 19-22, 2017 Paper presentation with K. Knowlton and S. Clark Muntean, Paper title: Institutional pressures and social action: A comparison of entrepreneur support organizations in St. Louis and Boston. Best paper award for ethics and entrepreneurship Academy of Management Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA, August 5-9, 2016 Discussant for professional development workshop, Challenging Neo-liberal Feminism in Management Studies, Sponsored by Critical Management Studies Participant for caucus, Classics in Entrepreneurship Research and Their Impact on Research Today European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) Annual Conference, Naples, Italy, July 7-9, 2016 Paper presentation with N. Haigh and T. Arun, Paper Title: The Good, the Bad, and the Unbalanced: Praise-criticism Tension in Hybrid Organization Scholarship, presented in sub-theme 71: Hybrid Organizations, Tensions and Institutional Environments Also presented at the Brown FEAST Summer Institute, West Greenwich, RI, 15-16 June 2016. Academy of Management Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, August 7-12, 2015 Discussant for showcase symposium, The Privatisation of Global Governance and the Asymmetries of Power, Sponsored by Critical Management Studies, International Management and Public and Non-Profit Management Divisions, Panelist for pre-tenure productive faculty Gender and Diversity in Organizations Division Doctoral Student Consortium 9th Annual Critical Management Studies Conference, Leicester, UK, July 8-10, 2015 Paper presentation with M. Still, Paper Title: Corporate Contests as Tools of Change Resistance: The Case of Women’s Inequality in the U.S. Management Faculty of Color Association Annual Conference, Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, MA, June 11-13, 2015 Symposium presentation with A. Osorio, Symposium Title: Diversity and Inclusion in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems DIANA Conference, Babson College, Babson Park, MA, June 8-9, 2015 Paper presentation with K. Watkins and S. Clark Muntean, Paper Title: Evaluating Gender Integration in a Start-Up Ecosystem: The Case of St. Louis American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, April 21-25, 2015 Presentation with K. K. Knowlton (Watkins), S. Clark Muntean, S., and Y. Motoyama, Title: Building start-up entrepreneurial ecosystems for inclusion and innovation: Drivers, challenges, and solutions. In stream chaired by Motoyama, Y., Qian, H., and Mack, E., Geographic Perspectives on Entrepreneurship: Factors, Processes, and Disparities 2. Academy of International Business-Northeast, Bryant College, Providence, RI November 14-15, 2014 Presentation with A. Osorio, Title: Challenges faced by emerging ventures in urban spaces: A 21st century reality Academy of Management Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, August 1-5, 2014 Paper presentation with S. Muntean, Paper Title: A Gender Integrative Theory of Entrepreneurship, Sponsored by Entrepreneurship Division. Paper presentation with S. Muntean, Paper Title: Social Networking and Technology-focused Business Incubators: A Critical Gender Perspective, Sponsored by Gender and Diversity in Organizations Division. Paper presentation with A. Osorio, Paper Title: Defining The ‘Urban’ In Urban Entrepreneurship: Implications For Economic Development Policy, Sponsored by Entrepreneurship Division. Professional Development Workshop organizer and chair with A. Osorio, Doctoral Student and New Faculty Consortium: Developing Critical Scholars and Scholarship, Sponsored by Critical Management Studies Division Presenter at professional development workshop, Questions of Inequality: Gender, Race, Class. Intersectionality and Beyond, Gender and Diversity in Organizations Division Presenter on professional development workshop, Using the Power of Spiritual and Religious Words to Create a Sustainable and Responsible World, Management Spirituality and Religion Division Member, Student Transnational Research Award Committee, Gender and Diversity in Organizations Division Gender, Work and Organization Conference, Keele University, UK, June 24-26, 2014 Paper presentation with S. C. Muntean, Paper Title: Corporate Responsibility and Gendered Organizations Work and Family Researchers Network Conference, New York, NY, June 18-21, 2014 Paper presentation with S. C. Muntean and M. Still, Paper Title: Work Life Programs as a Case of Gendered Economic Inequality DIANA International Research Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, June 15-18, 2014 Paper presentation with S. C. Muntean, Paper Title: Business Incubators, Accelerators and the Gender Gap in Entrepreneurial Outcomes Paper presentation with S. C. Muntean, Paper Title: Women and Social Entrepreneurship: Intersecting Pathways to Inclusive Social and Economic Development Paper presentation with S. C. Muntean, Paper Title: Embracing Diana: A Call to Value and Include the Feminine in Mainstream Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice USASBE (United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship) Annual Conference, Forth Worth, TX, January 10-14, 2014 Paper presentation with S.C. Muntean, Paper Title: Social Networking and Technology-Focused Business Incubators: A Critical Gender Perspective Academy of Management Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, August 9-13, 2013 Panel symposium organizer and chair with A. Osorio, Examining Urban Entrepreneurship: Forms and Varieties under Capitalist and Transition Economies, Sponsored by Social Issues in Management, Entrepreneurship, Critical Management Studies, and All Academy Theme Divisions Presenter at panel symposium, Examining Urban Entrepreneurship: Forms and Varieties under Capitalist and Transition Economies, Sponsored by Social Issues in Management, Entrepreneurship, Critical Management Studies, and All Academy Theme Divisions, topic: Gender, migration, and urban entrepreneurship Professional development workshop organizer and chair with A. Osorio, Understanding Urban Entrepreneurship: Defining Concepts and Empirics, Sponsored by Entrepreneurship Division Presenter at paper session with P. F. Donnelly, Decolonizing Knowledge: Postcolonial Critiques of Capitalism, Sponsored by Critical Management Studies, Paper title: Postcolonial Perspectives on 'Knowledge Transfer' Invited discussant for paper session, Decolonizing Knowledge: Postcolonial Critiques of Capitalism, Sponsored by Critical Management Studies Participant at panel symposium, Unlocking Postcolonial Perspectives in International Business and Management, Sponsored by International Management and Critical Management Studies Divisions, topic: Gendered postcolonial subject Eastern Academy of Management-International Conference: Managing in a Global Economy XV, Collaboration, Learning, and Discovery, Seville, Spain, June 23-27, 2013 Presenter at paper session with P. F. Donnelly, Sponsored by Strategy/International Division, Critical Perspectives, Paper title: Postcolonial Perspectives on 'Knowledge Transfer’ Institutions and Inequality, 3rd Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, June 6-8, 2013 Presenter and Discussant, Paper title: Institutionalized income inequality: The case of work-life balance programs with S. C. Muntean and M. Still Academy of Management Annual Conference, Boston, TX, August 3-7, 2012 Facilitator for Complicating Identity and Context: Global and Cross Cultural Perspectives on Women Leaders: Contextualizing Women Leaders, Sponsored by Gender and Diversity in Organizations and International Management Divisions Panel symposium organizer and chair with A. Osorio, Urban Entrepreneurship and Socioeconomic Development Policy in Formal and Informal Economies: Urban Entrepreneurship/Policy, Sponsored by All Academy Theme Presenter at panel symposium, Urban Entrepreneurship and Socioeconomic Development Policy in Formal and Informal Economies: Urban Entrepreneurship/Policy, Sponsored by All Academy Theme, topic: Immigrant communities and entrepreneurship in urban contexts Presenter at division roundtable paper session, Entrepreneurship, Sponsored by Gender and Diversity in Organizations Division. Paper title: A postcolonial feminist analysis of high-technology entrepreneurship Panel symposium organizer and chair with P. F. Donnelly, Reflexivity and Crafting Research Narratives: Challenges, Suggestions, and Implications, Sponsored by Critical Management Studies and Research Methods Divisions Member, International Theme Committee, Gender and Diversity in Organizations Division Member, Student Transnational Research Award Committee, Gender and Diversity in Organizations Division Academy of Management Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX, August 11-16, 2011 Panel symposium organizer with A. Osorio, Critical Perspectives on Entrepreneurship and Urban Development, Sponsored by the Entrepreneurship Division European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) Annual Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, July 7-9, 2011, Co-sponsor with P. F. Donnelly and Y. Gabriel, Track on Assembling tales from the field Academy of Management Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA, August 8-13, 2008 Discussant/ author participant as part of Academy of Management Review Special Topic Forum on International Management: Critique and New Directions. All Academy Symposium. Academy of Management Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, August 3-8, 2007 Chosen to attend International Management Division doctoral student consortium 3rd Annual West Coast Research Symposium on Technology Entrepreneurship, Center for Technology Entrepreneurship, University of Washington, Seattle, September 8-10, 2005 Chosen to attend doctoral student consortium and research symposium focusing on the nexus between technology and entrepreneurship. Sponsored by The Center for Technology Entrepreneurship, University of Washington, and the Stanford Technology Ventures Program, Stanford University Academy of Management Annual Conference, Honolulu, HI, August 5-10, 2005 Chosen to attend Organizational Behavior Division doctoral student consortium Academy of Management Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, August 6-11, 2004 Paper presenter at the Gender and Diversity in Organizations Division. Paper title: Gendering the “Turk” in the Management Literature from Postcolonial Perspectives |